Nine Worlds Kindred, Auburn, AL

Who are you?

We are a Norse Teutonic (Shamanic) Tradition synchronized with the distinctly American customs of Pow-wow and Hoodoo. With focus on the inner development necessary to achieve The Great Work within Norse conventions, we practice visionary seiðr and Shamanic pathworkings.

American Dísrtroth honors the folkways of blòt and sumbel, held according the Heathen Wheel of the Year. We place a high value on folk-building and outreach to the community. Heathen (Hæðen in Old English) literally meaning “people of the heath,” once referred to rustic people who do not recognize Judaism, Christianity or Islam. “Hof” translates as “rustic temple” and the “Harrow” is the Heathen altar.

Úlfvolk is our working Seiðrhjallr troop. If you are interested in joining Úlfvolk, please contact us. If you are interested in scheduling a Seiðrhjallr, please

Do members have to be Odinist?

No. This is not Odinism or Ásatrú. We only require that you do believe in a divine presence which interacts with human kind. How you define that is up to you. Further, we have a zero tolerance for non-tolerance. We neither invite nor allow commentary based in discrimination of any kind.

 Recovering the Sacred Feminine

The seventeenth-century was the era of The Great Awakening and the height of Enlightenment-era rationalism which intentionally shifted emphasis away from a connective female cosmos to a mechanistic “rationality” that not only disassociated human existence from the feminine paradigm, but completely erased it. As though the Earth Mother archetype only existed as a figment of “superstitious” imagination.

Unfortunately, the binary philosophies of Cartesian masculinism pervade occult studies (and Witchcraft). We retrace history to uncover the symbols and traditions of Teutonic Heathenry which revered the magical prowess of female, as sacrosanct rather than as an elevated object. In this, we restore the female sorcerer to her proper place as sacred creator, magician, wand-wielder, and Divine.

The Northern Way

Much has been said and published about Western Thought and Eastern Traditions. Folk ways and mysteries of the Southern hemisphere, while often exotified, also get plenty of press. But what about the religious traditions and practices of The North?

Resisting Christianization much longer than the rest of Europe, no more than a thousand years have passed since the Sacred Tree at The Temple at Uppsala, a center of Heathen worship, stood as a thriving symbol of a rich and fully-developed tradition of Teutonic Heathenry in Europe.

Before the Christian era, this tradition could be found from the small Alpine section of Northern Italy, thru the eastern and mountainous sections of Spain, across most all of France, up through the British Isles and throughout all of Scandinavia.

Uniquely American

Though the Roman Catholics suppressed most of Heathendom, there remained pockets of resistance throughout Germany. During the years after the Reformation, many of these folk came to America. For most European-Americans, these are our ancestors. Their ways are our ways, but we have forgotten.

North American folk magic, brought over by the Europeans who settled here, mingled with Native American traditions (and the traditions of Africans in the diaspora) to produce distinctly American traditions such as Pow-wow and Hoodoo.

For over four-hundred years, The New World created a new people with their own Sacred Mysteries: Northern Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans in diaspora. What do we do with the merger of peoples from Northern Europe with native America?

Join us as we uncover the answer to this question and learn the Higher Mysteries of a uniquely American-Heathen Tradition.

Nine Worlds American Kindred is an eclectic Pagan Religious Community in Auburn, AL. The purpose of this grove is to provide a culture for those who want to be involved in Pagan spirituality on a more organized level. We provide various social events, learning opportunities, and a ritual schedule of full-moon-esbats and sabats for members of the grove.

We are an incipient grove of the Church of the Spiral Tree.

We offer marriage ceremonies and handfasting as well. If you live in the Auburn area, please contact us via the email function on the Home page.

Greater Auburn Area Pagans is a local Pagan support group. Established in October 2011, The Greater Auburn Area Pagans is envisioned as a tightknit local group geared toward conversation, exchange of ideas, and nurturing a healthy Pagan community in our little Southern town and the surrounding areas. As a member of GAAP, you will be invited to events like potluck dinners, book groups, discussion circles, and craft circles. Our meetings are, by and large, family friendly, local, and low- or no-fee required.

Because we understand that privacy remains very important to many of our members, we maintain a modest profile.

Find us on Facebook and at

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  1. Pingback: Brighid Is In the Details – Part 2 | The Journeys of a Nomadic Pagan

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